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Underwater Exhibition
In October 2017 was organized underwater exhibition which was definitely first in Egypt and maybe even in the world. Duration were days 24th and 31st October. Early in the morning Shams team put all paintings underwater on the Shams Safaga House Reef in the places where exactly it were painted. For easy navigation there was a line which connected each spot where paintings were, that's why our visitors didn't miss any of them. I performed a master class straight underwater while all guests were watching exhibition. Everyone could see the process.
Divers know that colors change with depth and paintings looks completely different than on the surface with normal light. That makes us more curious to see the paintings after we took it out of the water.
Exhibition lasted 2 hours, more than 100 divers visited it.
There was a surprise as well - the main model the turtle Henrietta visited our exhibition and stood with us till the end. We could take some pictures of Henrietta, her portrait and the artist Olga.
It was a great experience for all us.
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